Tuesday, April 23, 2013

There are no categorical differences between men and women: Agree or Disagree

We live in a culture that blurs the line between men and women.  Late 19th and early 20th century depictions of men and women are antiquated.  Should we listen to our grandparents' description of differences between men and women?  How do we honor our parents and grandparents as Christians in understanding what it means to be a man or women?  Should we differentiate between men and women?  How do we deal with someone's presupposition about gender roles, functions, and inherent sexuality?  How do we raise a child who is a boy or a girl?

It seems to me that in our day and age calling out any differences between men and women are controversial.  I mean other than the obvious physiological differences, are we we the same?  Should physiological differences dictate the way we perceive each other and communicate? I know that I have asked more questions than answers.  So please give me your two cents, and do keep in mind that whatever you do in word and deed should be to the honor and glory of God who created both men and women as image-bearers full of His beauty.

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