The Reformed View of man seems to take on a dualistic understanding as described in the Westminster Confession of Faith and Louis Berkhof's Systematic Theology. The Westminster Confession of Faith states in Chapter XXXII - Of the State of Men After Death, and of the Resurrection of the Dead that the bodies of men, after death, return to the dust, and see corruption: but their souls, which neither die nor sleep, having an immortal substance, immediately return to God: the souls of the righteous, being then made perfect in holiness, are received into the highest heavens...and the souls of the wicked are cast into hell..." (p.96-97). Louis Berkhof wrote in his book Systematic Theology on the doctrine of man saying, “The prevailing representation of the nature of man in Scripture is clearly dichotomic." (p.192) Much of the churches view on the dualistic nature of man is influenced indirectly from the Greek philosophers who believed that all physical matter is evil/bad and metaphysical matter (the mind/soul) is good. We see these dualistic comparisons in the debates of many Christians on what is sacred and/or secular.
In the book Planting and Growing Urban Churches: From Dream to Reality, Craig W. Ellison said, "Because of our Greek-mindedness, we talk about spirit, mind, emotions, and body as though these intricately interrelated dimensions of the person can be separated and adequately addressed in isolation. We tend to have a segmented view of human beings...This is crucial to understand because our view of human nature significantly affects our practice of ministry. Ministry priorities and methods are established in relation to our concept of persons." (p.98) What an insight into our hearts! I agree with Ellison’s assessment. Because we as the church view man compartmentalized we seek to save man's soul, reform his mind, but neglect his body. When we look at the urban setting, one sees many churches like the Seventh Day Adventist, African Methodist Episcopal,
Where are the Reformed churches? Where is the PCA when it comes to addressing the felt needs of the surrounding community? If we want to reach people in the urban setting and even if we want to reach people in our suburban communities, then we must address their spiritual, emotional, mental, social, and physical needs with the gospel. Jesus even taught the disciples to pray in Matthew 6:11 "Give us this day our daily bread..." We need to be evangelistic. However, we must not limit our evangelism. We need to address the whole man with the gospel. We must be prepared to follow the Micah 6:8 model, which is to do justice, love mercy and walk humbly with our God. God is concerned not only with our souls, but He is concerned about how His people do justice, love mercy, and walk in humility before the whole world.
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