Today I heard fellow brothers in Christ talking about the
upcoming 2012 elections, and was intrigued about how passionate the discussion
got about who to vote for and how President Obama is doing a poor job. Now, I have no problem with people expressing
their opinion of the President or what their particular political views are,
but I do have a problem with the way those views are expressed. Many Christians, knowingly or unknowingly,
condemn others for having different political views from them. This type of judgmental expression only
divides people, and ultimately, I think hinders a Christian's witness in a world
looking for leadership.
Now, I’m not saying we need to be tolerant and mix our faith
with those of other religions and sing kumbeya.
What I am saying is that we as the church need to be wise in how we
express our views among other Christians and those who are non-Christian. The danger we face as a church is a sense of
elitism, elevating our own personal political views, which breeds an heir of
prideful posturing that I believe is not of God. The scripture says in Matthew 10:16 that we need to be wise as
serpents but gentle as doves.
Do you think anyone would want to visit your church if
everyone publicly and openly condemned a particular party? We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but
against principalities and powers. We
wrestle against evil spiritual forces that have infiltrated both Democratic and
Republican parties. Just because one
belongs to one particular political side doesn’t mean that they are immune to
being used by the enemy to steal, kill, and destroy.
The church must not align themselves with a particular
party, because we in turn exclude others from seeing and hearing the gospel of
Jesus Christ lived out in a community united in Christ. Personally, I am an independent because I
don’t believe that I should be confined to a party without looking at both
sides. Politicians are chameleons, in my
opinion. They pander to whomever to get
the most votes. How can you tell if a
politician is a Christian anyway? Do you
look at his family life? Many
politicians on both sides seem to fail on this point. Just look at the all of this past year’s sex
scandals and affairs. Do you listen to
see if they pray and go to church? Well
anyone can profess to be a Christian, pray, and go to church. Many Christians assumed that President Obama
was a Muslim, even though he professed to be a Christian, prayed, and went to
Now, I can write a book about different
political policies, but my purpose is to get the church to see that
there is a time and place for everything.
We need to have more discussions about politics. Christians pursuing a political career need
to understand how to see their party through a biblical worldview. We need more godly people in both the
Democratic and Republican parties. God
is sovereign. He chose Saul to lead the
people of Israel even when they rejected Him as their king. The people of Israel in 1 Samuel 7 and 8
wanted to have a king like the other pagan nations. And God’s plan can still be seen through
Israel’s rebellion; for through king David, the Messiah was born.
Ahh... must be good to be back at PCPC, huh? Where everybody assumes everybody else votes Republican because God does! ;-) I agree - if people got half as worked-up about what God has already accomplished for us through Christ as we do over politics, what would our country look like?