Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The first RUF (Reformed University Fellowship) in a HBCU (Historically Black College/University)!

The PCA (Presbyterian Church of America) has long been an Anglo dominated denomination, not until its formation in 1966 did we see African-Americans entering its membership ranks. Now fast forward to 2011, we have seen many strides among African-Americans in the PCA. We see a growing number of Teaching elders and Ruling elders, multi-ethnic churches like Redeemer Church in Jackson, MS, and cross cultural churches like New City Fellowship in Chattanooga, TN. Suffice it to say, RUF seemed to be one of the least affected areas, as far as African-American leadership and involvement. According to RUF’s website (, “Reformed University Ministries grew out of the passion of young, Presbyterian ministers in the southeastern United States in the late 1970's. These individuals dreamed of a campus ministry that was both theologically honest and winsomely welcoming.”

Would African-Americans in the PCA make the jump to RUF ministries? Well, I have proof that not only are African-Americans in the PCA making that leap, but they are also taking ownership of RUF within their cultural context. Take for example, Jackson State’s RUF group led by Elbert McGowan. RUF Jackson State was founded in 2007. It is the first RUF on an HBCU (Historically Black College/University). I had the privilege of seeing 120 young people hungry for the preached word of God gathered together in a classroom that seats over 200 people. When I heard the musicians warming up their drums, piano, guitar, and bass, I was ecstatic! I was overjoyed to see the passionate worship, to hear biblically sound preaching and teaching, to feel the vibrations of black gospel music touching my soul. Yes, African Americans have taken ownership of RUF in the capital city of Mississippi, and they are going strong.

I spoke with young men who were headed to reformed seminaries so that they in turn could start other RUF chapters at HBCUs. God is at work in the PCA in a very visible and tangible way among African American youth. He is calling African American youth back to biblically sound preaching and teaching and radicalizing their hearts toward holiness. 
Check out this link for a taste of RUF at Jackson State:


  1. Andrew, I saw the video clip of RUF/Jax singing, but I couldn't make out the song!

  2. It's a remake of "Let us love and sing and wonder" with Black Eyed Peas' "I got a feeling".

